The Man Himself
- Begun Olympic Lifting at the age of 14.
- First GB camp at the age of 16.
- First international at 16
- British U17/U18 Champion
Then more recently,
- British Student Champion 105kg 2014
- British Senior Champion 105kg 2014
A 175kg Clean and Jerk.
This was the heaviest lift at the British Student Championships in 2014.
Experience to help you achieve

My experience has exposed me to the work of the many brilliant minds of Olympic Lifting.
I have taken everything they have shown me, and condensed it into Weightlifting-PB.
The brand that will guide you to where you want to go.
But this is about YOU...
My continuing experience at the top of British Weightlifting has given me a unique insight into not only what it takes to get to the top, but also, what drives people to improve.
I want to help you get the best from yourself.
I want to show you what you need to do to get there.